The next updates should come quite a bit quicker as I need to finish 1 more Zoanthrope, 4 Termigants and my second Carnifex before September 19th. Once they are done then I will do 10 more Termigants, 4 Raveners and a Lictor for the Tourney in November which will bring me in at 1700pts.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tyranid Update # 3 - Carnifex
Last but not least my new Carnifex. I was suprised at how fast this guy was to paint. I painted the whole model in about a day in a half, which when you consider my Hive Tyrant took about 4 days to paint is pretty good :). On this Carnifex I knew I wanted to put two big guns on him and when I started fitting the model together I realized it would be a rather tight fit and very difficult to paint. So On his base I made sure I had something I could put his front foot on to raise the front of the model up and I removed some pieces off of his back to make sure the Torso piece would go on straighter and less hunched. Overall I am quite pleased with this guy.
The next updates should come quite a bit quicker as I need to finish 1 more Zoanthrope, 4 Termigants and my second Carnifex before September 19th. Once they are done then I will do 10 more Termigants, 4 Raveners and a Lictor for the Tourney in November which will bring me in at 1700pts.

The next updates should come quite a bit quicker as I need to finish 1 more Zoanthrope, 4 Termigants and my second Carnifex before September 19th. Once they are done then I will do 10 more Termigants, 4 Raveners and a Lictor for the Tourney in November which will bring me in at 1700pts.
Tyranid Update #2 - Zoanthropes
I have to say that these two models are two of my faves in the army so far. Incredibly fun to paint and they look super cool marching forward with the rest of the gaunts on the table top :) On the one base I have a Rhino door with some green goo. I was trying to make it look like it has been "Warp Blasted" but right now it just looks like it was slimed lol. Gonna have to add more highlights I think.

Tyranid Update #1 - Termigants
Howdy all. Its been a long time since I have done an update for the new tyranid army I have been working on. Even though not much has been going up on the site I have been working hard on it.
This is my first batch of 3 sets of Termigants. Each batch is 10 models (my second 10 will be finished this week). I mass built this squad and the one that will be posted next week with generic "grassy field" type bases and the next set of 10 will have all battle field debris with all space marine bits, then I will mix up the squads so every squad has a bit of everything :)

- Mini Man
This is my first batch of 3 sets of Termigants. Each batch is 10 models (my second 10 will be finished this week). I mass built this squad and the one that will be posted next week with generic "grassy field" type bases and the next set of 10 will have all battle field debris with all space marine bits, then I will mix up the squads so every squad has a bit of everything :)
- Mini Man
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Green Stuff Experiment
Ok, so I had a couple of Tallarn heavy weapon crew sitting around doing nothing, and Tallarn don't have some things that IG take for granted, like Demolition Teams and Flamer units. I have therefore ordered some flamers on eBay to convert some lucky guardsmen (if I can find more on eBay. Since IG is popular right now, its too hard to get 'em), and I think they arrived in the mail today. However, until then, my first ever experiment with greenstuff was to give these two guys high explosives that they can lob a whole 6" towards the enemy. That's right, with BS 3, these guys are almost as likely to throw the explosive BEHIND them then they are to get it on target! Good times however, and I think they came out not bad. I'll post more when they are painted. to make it more obvious will probably put stuff like DANGER or TNT on their satchels...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
'Ard Boyz Semi-Final Recap

Saturday Aug 8th marked the semi-finals of this years 'Ard boyz. I played at Phenoix games in Kitchener and had a blast! There was 20 people that showed up to duke it out for the right to represent Canada at the finals in Chicago Sept 19th. I took my Dark Angels (RavenDeathwing). Here's what the army looked like (things were shifted to allow for taking advantage of wound allocation):
Belial with LC
Sammuel on Jet Bike
Belials Terminator Squad with Standard, Medic, 3 LC, 2 TH/SS and a Cyclone
5 x Grey Knight Terminators with a psycannon and psychic hood
Terminator Squad with Assault Cannon and Chainfist
Terminator Squad with Heavy Flamer, Chainfist x2, LC
Terminator Squad with Heavy Flamer, Chainfist x2, LC
Terminator Squad with Heavy Flamer, Chainfist x2, TH/SS
Sammuels Ravenwing Attack Squad 6 bikes with Medic, 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist and Attack bike with Multimelta
Ravenwing Attack Squad with 6 Bikes, 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist and Attack bike with Multimelta
Game 1 vs Necrons:
The Necron list looks strangely light for 2500 pts and consisted of the Night Bringer, Lord with Orb (and other crap), 6 Immortals, 3 Wraiths, 3 squads of 15 warriors, 6 destroyers, 2 tomb spiders, 8 scrabs and a monolith. He had first turn so I scouted closer and then he moved closer still attacking my one bike squad with scarbs. I was in CC with the lord turn 2 and knocked him and his unit and another unit down and proceeded to escort the broken unit off the board while picking apart the rest of the army slowly. The biggest highlight for him was when the monolith arrived and dropped both attack bikes with one of its ordance attacks. The end result was I phased him out turn 5 and had achieved all other bonus points to get a grand total of 24 to start! So needless to say I was feeling pretty good about myself.
Game 2 vs CSM
The list was a double lash list with sorcer, DP, Beserkers in Land Raider, Thousand sons in Rhino, 2 CSM units in Rhino (2 plasma, 2 melta), Chosen in Rhino (2 flamer, 2 melta), 3 Oblits, and a Vindy. It was also a dawn of war msn. I won the roll to go first and deployed at the half way point. He said everything was coming in turn 1. I scout moved and then turbo boosted my bikes into a line along his table edge, my Deathwing assaulting terminators deepstruck to fill the holes. A bad roll for the Comd Squad prevented me from having an unbroken line across his table edge. End result was that he was able to get a wedge into the middle of my line and then a rhino had it's combi-bolter shot off as it squished an attack bike on one flank allowing the rest of his army to roll in as a tight block. Try as I might my re-enforcements would only come in piece meal and the way I was spread out meant I spent a long time moving to get into a position where I could fit. To his credit my opponent was able to keep my off balance and was able to chew up my units a little at a time. End result was I got tabled and didn't get any points.
Game 3 vs CSM
I have never seen a list that appeared to be so under powered and then prove to be so deadly. He had 2 DP with wings, a Greater Demon, 3 Dreads with extra CCW, 4 squads of 10 lesser demons and 6 CSM squads with twin melta or plasma in rhinos. I won the roll to go first and my bike moved around to try and get melta shots on his dreads and 2 rhinos who were on the table. I immobilzed one and stunned the other. I also managed to take out a rhino. Then all of his demons showed up and my bikes all dissappeared!! He continued to take major bites out of the terminators with the DPs and Dreads while soaking up the casuatlies with the lesser demons. On the 4th turn his remaining 4 rhinos loaded with troops showed up just in time to clean up the remaining few terminators (although he really didn't need there help). End result was I got tabled again but had a blast!
So I ended up 13th out of 20, which isn't great but I'm already looking forward to next year. I'm looking at taking something like this all painted up as pre-heresy Imperial Fists (although with the new Space Wolf book coming in Oct, this could change rather quickly).
Vulkan (will be fistafied!)
5 TH/SS Termies
5 TH/SS Termies
4 tactical squads with Meltagun and Multimelta in Rhinos
Fast Attack
3 Land Speeders with Hvy Flamer and Multimelta
Hvy Support
2 Land Raiders with Multimeltas
total 2490 pts
One of the options I'm looking at dropping 2 of the speeders for a Drop Pod mounted Dread nought with Multimelta and Hvy Flamer. I'd love to hear what you guys think. I'm hoping to get the coverage of the GD in Toronto up soon by knee surgery is slowing me down a fair amount. I will post a picture of my test models for the Imperials Fist once I get that far, but I can hear the Thunderhawk calling my name so will see what is nexted after the Master of the Ravenwing is all done (and I will post pictures of that).
'Ard boyz,
Battle Report,
Big Willie,
Dark Angels,
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