Showing posts with label Retribution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retribution. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Lanyssa Complete!

Still plugging away at my two tournament lists for the Trolls. For my heavy armor list I have a few "Minion" solos (both for looks and because of what they do for the army overall). The first Minion is an elf named Lanyssa. She adds a bunch of utility to the list plus I thought the model looked really cool. The last benefit to her is I can use her in either my Ret list (they are incredibly limited as to which Mercs/Minions they have access too) or my Trolls. Because of that I decided I would just paint her in my Retribution of Scyrah's colours but did the basing of the Trolls so she fits in either army.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Retribution of Scyrah...Take 2!

I keep going back and looking at my first couple of finished Retribution of Scyrah models and for some reason I was just not happy with them. The red isnt great to paint, I am not getting the shade of red I want and the OSL just dont work. In case you forgot the original scheme here it is:

I dont like the red on the base either, plus the cork on the base seems to be massively overdone these days. I also totally couldnt figure out how to do the Jacks as I think bright red jacks would look somewhat silly.

After going back to the drawing board I decided to go darker overall with the scheme. I know this sounds weird but I also wanted a scheme that required no mixing of paints. So I decided on the scheme shown on the Jack below.

I originally was going to just duplicate the scheme from the Dark Eldar (primarily dark green with black and red as the tertiary colour) but after seeing this Jack I really like the two tone green along with the white so I dont think I am going to add the red at all. Regardless, let me know what you think, good? Bad? Tips on how to improve? Open to anything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Retribution of Scyrah - Test Model

This is my second, super small Warmachine army, the Retribution of Scyrah. Basically I wanted something as different as humanly possible as my Trolls to play on Warmachine. I figured since my Trolls were all about close combat and buffing I would choose a faction that is all about ranged board control and movement shinanigans (ie moving the enemy around). So I settled on an army that is being led by Artificer Rahn who is basically a Warmachine Jedi using force punches, telekinesis as well as a magic buffing feat to crush his enemies.

The inspiration for the painting of this army is based on the Blood Elf aesthetic from World of Warcraft. So I am painting this faction with a primary colour of Red with dark brown and black leather. As with every army I painted I wanted to try out a new technique so I decided I would do a lot with Object Source Lighting (OSL from this point on) to show the magic power emanating from these guys. After finishing this model I am quite happy with it although I see a bunch of places that I can improve. The first is bumping up the high lighting on the Red specifically. I really want it to "pop", same with the blue. As for the OSL on this model this is actually my first try at it so overall I think it worked out well. I still have a bunch of work to get it down. The nice thing about this army is that in total its something like 17 models, so it shouldnt be too bad to finish. Anyways, here are the pics