Showing posts with label Demonhunters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demonhunters. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2009

'Ard Boyz, coming this July to Canada!

So 'Ard Boyz has finally made it to Canada! I for one am looking forward to playing in this event. I know that it is a no holds bared contest of winner takes all and since it is being advertised as such I'm not going to be surprised. I feel it is important to note that although I really like this kind of tournament, I really like the older Hall of Heros style where painting, sportsmanship and composition were worth just as many points as win/loss ratio.

So without further ado, here is the list that I'm planning on taking to 'ard boyz.

Codex: Imperial Guard

Coy Comd Squad with Creed, Vox, Medic, 2 x Meltaguns, OoF, Astropath mounted in Chimera

Grey Knight Grand Master with Psychic hood, Scared Incense and Retinue of 4 Grey Knight Terminators one with Psycannon

Inq in Terminator Armour with Power weapon and Psycannon, 2 Mystics mounted in Land Raider

Platoon A
Pl Comd Squad with Al'Rahem, 3 x meltaguns and vox mounted in Chimera
Squad 1 vox and flamer mounted in Chimera
Squad 2 vox and flamer mounted in Chimera

Platoon B
Pl Comd Squad with Bolt pistol, vox and lascannon
Squad 1 vox and lascannon
Squad 2 vox and lascannon

Heavy support
2 x Hydra's with storm bolters

Leman Russ Vanquisher with lascannon and crewed by Pask

2 x Leman Russ Demolisher with lascannon and plasma cannon sponsons

Gives me 6 scoring units and 19 KPs. I'm thinking that GK out of an outflanking LR with furious charge will ruin a lot of peoples days. Or how about outflanking (or scouting) Demolishers!

I still haven't play tested the list yet, but I'm hoping that I get the chance within the next week. If I do make changes to the list I will let you know what and why.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The new IG Codex and Demonhunters

With the release of the new guard codex I have been designing several new armies. Before the new 'dex was released I was working on some Grey Knights. I wanted to take this video and turn it into an army.

It occurred to me that having a new IG army with Demonhunters could be made into it and be a little more competitive army. So here is the new army that I'm working towards.

Coy Comd Squad with 4 Meltaguns (in the forum of multimelta servitors), Master of the fleet, Master of Ordanance and Astropath all in Carapace armour. Coy Comd with Plasma pistol and Power weapon (I will be using the Inq Corteaz model to make this guy, you should recognize hime from the video) mounted in Chimera

Preist with Eviserator

Grey Knight Brother Captain with Psyhic hood and Retinue of 3 Grey Knight Terminators one with a Psycannon

Inquisitor with Terminator armour, force weapon and psycannon

Veterans in Carapace with 3 plasmaguns mounted in Chimera
Veterans in Carapace with 3 Meltaguns
8 Grey Knights with 2 Psycannons and teleport homer

Fast Attack

Total just under 1700 pts with 3 scoring units and 13 KPs. I'm planning on taking the video off you tube and downloading (if anyone knows how to do this I would love the insight) it onto my iPod touch so that I can have it playing as part of my army display tray. Questions, comments welcome!