Here is the finished product. I did some slight conversions on this guy like replacing that ugly sword he had with the Husk Blade from the Archon kit. I plan on running this guy with a Soul Cube (doubles his str when he kills an IC or MC), Husk Blade (causes instant death) and a Shattershard (one shot flamer, everything touched but it takes a toughness test or is removed from play). Combine this with a Grotesque unit and you have a seriously killy, fairly different deathstar unit. Can't wait to see the Grotesque models lol.

Looking good man, I've yet to play against the new DE but they look pretty mean :P Love the paint scheme your going with, excited to see a full army.
I havent had a chance to play with it yet either. Although, now that the Ravagers have come out I finally have enough stuff to play a 1250pts game, so hopefully next week I will be able to get a game in. I am really looking forward to playing a new army though as I think I am finally done with the Nids. The book combined with the FAQ have pretty much ruined the army for me lol. If you ever want a game let me know :)
Great job! Great use of an old sculpt... I just realized the Dark Eldar actually have a bits range now!
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