Anyway, I now have 1850 (and a little extra) points to take with me to the tourney later this year. So now I can focus on other stuff (such as Warmachine which my buddy and I just got into among other things).
But either way, here they all are, with redone bases and a bad attitude...
A couple of things to note.
1) The Ogyrns now have official GW bases, so I won't get docked for that!
2) Yes that is a commisar all his lonesome. He will be leading the 3 squads of infantry with attached Autocannons. You will also notice there is only 1 vox between the three of them for that reason.
3) The mortars are there in the pic as well as a partial squad that was left over. I wanted them to be in the picture just 'cause they still look awesome.
4) That squad under the Vendetta is a grenadier veteran unit as you can see from its 3 meltaguns and pack 'o explosives (that little guy single handedly took out a Chaos Soul Grinder back at my last tourney)
5) Why battlegroup Ptolemy? Well, he was one of Alexander's Generals who took over Egypt after Alexander's death. He fought in the desert and prevailed, so I figured why not name my commander after him. Besides, Ghengis Khan didn't seem to fit a guy with a comb-over...

I love the new bases! I can't wait to see some action shots of these guys. They are looking totally b@d @$$!
They look awesome! The bases really bring them together and solidify your theme. Good job, and great name too.
Great looking army- and nice to see some Tallarn love!
Good unified theme, nice choice of colours (love the light/dark contrast)- nice work!
Dude, the new bases totally make the army. I am super stoked you didn't just cop out and paint the green flock. I love the army and wish you lived closer so we could finally have a game.
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