As promised here is the first picture of my finished hive tyrant. The entire army is going to be this colour scheme and all the bases are going to be roughly that level of detail. It will mostly be a plains type landscape with rocks, different battle debris and some dead Ultramarines here and there.
So far I just have the Tyrant and 2 Hormagaunts finished being painted and based (basically all test models). I also have a Carnifex, Ravener, Zoanthrope and 18 Hormagaunts built with their bases finished ready to be painted. As I finish more units I will update with more pictures and there will be some "In Progress" type pictures as well as a couple "stage by stage" sets as well. Enjoy!
Oh, and on a side note, I apologize for the grainyness of the pictures, as it stands right now I dont have nearly enough light in my place to shoot minatures properlly, although that should change soon :)
Awesome model, I look forward to seeing more of this army, and let me say that Ultra Marines look alot better dead than alive. Although Im probably only saying that cause they have murdered me a few times.............
It looks awsome even with a grainy picture, looking forward to seeing more
Nice work dude! Consider this blog followed!
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