Monday, February 22, 2010

Hmmmmm..... The plot thickens......

This week the Radiation storm that has been raging since the 2nd week of the campaign suddenly ended. It destroyed a bunch of warp lanes and created a bunch of new ones. This makes sense given the change in points for movement so players/factions will have to think a little more about what they are going to do before they do it. There was a couple of Planet Strikes this week, HERA was attacked by a Nercon force and they destroyed the Salamanders and Imperial Guard who were holding the planet. Also, this week the Fang of Tzeentch was able to move to ARCHIMEDES and stop the Imperial Planet Strike there. That gave yours truly and a bunch of other Imperials free ride back to DANATH. This week, another person came forward complaining about the Pawn rule. I wish I had known that there were issues so it could have been sorted out. Of note the Imperials were 4 -0 for Planet Strikes with the Pawn rule and 0 - 4 without, looks like I shot us in the foot. With the changes it appears the a campaign is going to be a little more tactical for movement.....hhhmmmm.......

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