Thursday, February 17, 2011

Space Sharks!

Time for another guest post by Mr.Ryan Szolopiak. We were chatting about different armies and we got on the topic of space marines. He started linking me his space marine army the "Space Sharks". I just loved the colour scheme and overall look of the army. He also has an amazing display board that goes with it. The craziest thing is he painted the entire 1500pts army in a MONTH! My Nids are sitting at 2 years (just over 4000pts though) and my DE are at 4 months and have less then 1000pts and no display board.

He finally got a new camera and will be sending me some pics of the rest of his Tyranid army including his Golden Demon winning Trygon. Should be pretty sweet! I am also working on finishing off my Tyranids. Right now I am converting up a unit of 10 ymgarls (going to post some pics of the test model soon) and 20 Gargoyles.


sonsoftaurus said...

Beautiful Space Sharks! Nice clean execution; hope my own turn out half as nicely!

Larry said...

Nice, so very nice. That army is freakin awesome. Bravo!

Mr.Esty said...

Best looking Space Sharks I've ever seen!

Baconfat said...

An amazing army, the rhinos are pure magic. Much better than my Space Sharks.